What should I do immediately following an animal attack?
1. Identify, and if possible, isolate the dog/animal. If the animal has ID tags, record the information on the tags.
2. Get the name and contact information for the animal's owner, and any witnesses.
3. Note the location and time where the attack occurred.
4. Try to determine if the animal has been vaccinated against rabies and other diseases in order to evaluate your risks. Obtain proof of vaccination.
5. Evaluate and clean the wound.
6. Go to the emergency room or urgent care and seek immediate medical treatment if necessary.
7. Call Animal Control and the police (911) in the city where the event occurred to make a report.
8. Photograph all injuries (in the various stages of healing), torn or bloody clothing, or other possible evidence. Do not discard any evidence.
9. Do not sign anything, offer any apologies, or provide information to insurance companies, adjusters, witnesses, or the animal's owner until you have talked to a personal injury dog bite lawyer.