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Minneapolis Personal Injury and Professional License Defense Attorneys

At Lord + Heinlein, we are driven by our passion to seek justice for clients from all walks of life. We have two main practice areas: personal injury law and professional license defense.

We became personal injury lawyers to help people who have been injured or wronged due to the fault of another. We are passionate about standing up for the little guy and are not afraid to go up against big insurance companies to get our clients the compensation they deserve for their injuries.

We became professional license defense attorneys to provide compassionate representation to nurses, doctors, therapists, social workers, and other licensed professionals facing the risk of losing their professional license and livelihood.

We understand how difficult it can be to navigate the legal process when you have been injured in an accident and how intimidating it can be to defend yourself in complex circumstances involving your professional license. That's why we lend our voice to others. When you choose Lord + Heinlein, our legal expertise works for justice on your behalf.

Learn more about our firm
Lord + Heinlein Overview

A Woman Owned and Operated Law Firm That Gets Results

With our combined 40+ years of experience, we have successfully represented hundreds of personal injury clients, getting them excellent results and giving them peace of mind so that they can focus on their recovery and healing.

We defend all licensed professionals including:

  • Nurses
  • Doctors
  • Psychologists
  • Chiropractors
  • Social workers
  • Therapists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Dental hygienists
  • Veterinarians
  • Accountants
  • Attorneys

"Lord + Heinlein made it easy for me to focus on my rehab and leave the legal tedium to them. Over 4 years and through 3 knee surgeries, they insulated me from insurance and work comp adjusters. They navigated me through a complex process that I can't imagine tackling on my own."

See Recent Results

Lord + Heinlein evolved from the Minnesota personal injury law firm founded in 1985 by Judge Miles W. Lord. Widely known as "The People's Judge," Miles Lord served as the former Minnesota Attorney General, U.S. Attorney, and Minnesota Federal Judge.

We are a family-managed law firm, and continue the work of our legendary founder. The attorneys at Lord + Heinlein uphold Judge Lord's legacy of justice by doggedly pursuing fairness and justice for our clients.

Minnesota Personal Injury and Professional License Defense Lawyers

By specializing in a few specific areas of law, we've cultivated expertise and a strong local reputation bringing personal injury claims and defending licensed professionals in Minneapolis. We're proud of our niche expertise.

Lord + Heinlein is Your
Powerful Legal Voice
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